Česko-slovenská asociácia porovnávacej literárnej vedy
otvára výzvu na zaslanie abstraktov do skupinovej sekcie
na 21. svetovom kongrese ICLA/AILC, ktorý sa bude konať 21.-27.7.2016 vo Viedni
17304 - Old and New Concepts of Comparative Literature in the Globalized World
Organizer(s): Gafrik, Robert; Maria Batorova; Milos Zelenka (Czech and Slovak Association of Comparative Literature)
Comparative literary studies are a discipline which has been connected with globalization processes since the creation of the idea of world literature. However, it does not only explore various literatures of the world but has been practiced differently in different countries. Therefore comparative literary studies do not have either a single object of study or a single or unified method. Theory and methodology is discussed in various languages and power relations. New terms enter the discourse of comparative literature or old terms return, often in new meanings as for example recently did the term "world Literature" in American comparative literary studies. The group section seeks to explore the pluralistic world of theory and methodology of contemporary comparative literary studies as well as the migration of concepts in time and space, while showing the specificity of local and regional traditions of comparative literary research. For example, in the 20th century the heterogeneous region of Central Europe produced several concepts of comparative literature (Dionyz Durisin in Slovakia, Anton Ocvirk in Slovenia, Frank Wollman in Czechoslovakia or Alexander Flaker in Croatia) which have been developing parallel to the so-called American and French school of comparative literary studies. How do the various schools and traditions communicate with each other? Where do they converge and diverge? Do they have the potential to enrich each other? What is the role of the hegemonic anglophone discourse on non-anglophone comparative literary studies? Which terms and concepts of non-anglophone comparative literature seem viable in the present globalized comparative literary discourse? The contributions in the group section should not only focus on theoretical studies but also on the exploration of terms and concepts on the basis of concrete literary material.